How to obtain your meta tag from Facebook for store domain verification

July 18, 2023

To verify your domain with Facebook and utilize it on the Moteefe platform, you first need to obtain a Meta Tag from Facebook's Business Settings. Here's a brief guide to help you through this process.

Step 1: Access Business Settings

Log into your Facebook Business Manager account.

Step 2: Navigate to Domains

Proceed to 'Domains' located in the 'Brand safety' section of the Business Settings.

Step 3: Add Your Domain

Click 'Add' to input a new domain. Enter the root domain without any prefixes, for example, use "" rather than "" or "". Then, click 'Add' again.

Step 4: Select Meta Tag Verification

Out of the provided domain verification options, select 'Add a meta-tag to your HTML source code'. A unique Meta Tag will then appear on your Business Settings screen.

Step 5: Copy the Meta Tag

Copy this Meta Tag. You will need it to verify your domain on the Moteefe platform.

Step 6: Verify Your Domain on Moteefe

Return to your Moteefe store and follow the provided steps to paste the Meta Tag and complete the domain verification.

Step 7: Confirm Verification on Facebook

Go back to your Facebook Business settings, locate your domain under the 'Domains' section and click 'Verify domain' to confirm that the Meta Tag is successfully uploaded.

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